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music theory lessons nottingham

private music theory lessons nottingham

Music Theory lessons Nottingham. Here at Julie Donald's Music School We teach private music theory, this to us is the most important aspect of fully learning how to play any musical instrument correctly.

We teach music theory lessons from home and we are based in the Carrington/Sherwood area of Nottingham. We have been teaching all forms of music for over 30 years.

what are music theory lessons

The development of your skills as a musician are obviously very important. It cannot be emphasised enough that as you progress with the practical side of playing and performing music that your skills in music theory and general music knowledge are needed, so you can enhance your performances with the confidence and sensitivity they deserve.
Music theory is an absolute must to help you to understand the rudiments of music and to enable you to be able to communicate with other musicians.
Understanding music is not hard if taught in the correct way.

do you want to progress higher than grade 5 practical on your chosen instrument ?


who wish to progress in their practical examinations to Grade 6, 7 , 8 or Diploma Level 


Before you can go on to take your relevant Grades.

We do get a lot of students from other teachers just for music theory lessons as sometimes this has not been taught along with your instrument tuition. If you need to take music theory grades to further your practical examinations then please do not hesitate to contact me for more information on lesson availability
The only way to fully understand all about music is to take music theory lessons. It is far easier as a player to be able to follow a song by actually reading the sheet music.
circle of fifths Julie Donalds music school Nottingham

music theory lesssons nottingham ages

We teach all ages, children from age 4 upwards right through to mature students

music theory examinations

We teach all grades of music theory lessons and the examination board that is used for music theory exams is A.B.R.S.M (Associated Board Royal School Of Music)

Music Theory Lessons Nottingham

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